Wednesday, January 4, 2017

EnerTrac Corp. Year in Review
 The great strides we made in product development

We at EnerTrac Corp. want to thank all our friends and valued customers for a great 2016 and
we look forward to an even better 2017.

We never stop developing new products and continue to improve our existing product line.
We are proud to say we have developed a line of twin motor active differential drive systems for


The car motors SS-DU-603-LQ are available in prototype quantities- call for pricing

We Continue to do work with vehicle manufacturers:
EnerTrac Corp. is a Sub contractor for a DARPA project (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)

EnerTrac Corp. was challenged under contract with designing and manufacturing the Front Wheel Drive System for a Military Reconnaissance motorcycle.
EnerTrac did extensive in house testing and Data collection for the Prime contractor.  

EnerTrac continues to develop new industrial applications for the 12 pole pair Low speed very high torque line of 602 and 603 motors

We continue to work and assist NASA as needed, on the direct drive winch motors we supplied under contract. Testing is going very well and I’m happy to report we are fully qualified for the OSMU stage and testing for the more complex ICPSU is going very well

Thanks to the winch motor work being done at NASA, and how successful the motors are working, we started developing winch concepts and presenting them to manufactures.
The testing we did for NASA proves the potential for direct drive winch systems

We developed our own Lifting test Setup and Data collection system

EnerTrac has done lift testing under contract using the 603 motor and met all metrics listed in the test article.

2016 was a busy, productive year and we look forward to 2017 and the electric revolution continuing.

In Conclusion:
EnerTrac continues to work with Universities world wide on vehicle projects. (University list on request)
EnerTrac continues to focus and help motorcycle builder worldwide
EnerTrac core technology is now ready for car applications.
EnerTrac continues to find new industrial applications for it’s core technologies.

As a technology company we are deeply passionate about Electric drive vehicles and the technology of energy efficiency in industry. EnerTrac is and will continue to play a role in advancing it’s core technology throughout the industrial base worldwide.

Mark Gelbien 

President EnerTrac Corp.