We have been seeking new applications for our direct drive motor technology within industry.
The largest contract to date has been with NASA. This collaboration of Ideas, design and Engineering has resulted in EnerTrac being fully integrated into the SLS rocket launch program.
EnerTrac has developed and delivered a direct drive winch motor that will disconnect the umbilical hoses that connect to the rocket and Orion spacecraft to provide power, communications, coolant and fuel. In preparation for the rocket’s first launch called EM-1.
Full scale testing of the EnerTrac 603-Mod motors has begun. Six motors in total will be used within two section of the rocket (ICPSU and OSMU) to disconnect the hoses and electrical connections from the rocket at time of launch .
For the full article go to Orion Service Module Umbilical Tests
To date the feedback EnerTrac has gotten is very positive - The motor are meeting specification and working well.
From Design: